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· By Isobel Hush
What does being an environmentally friendly business mean?
We use naturals and synthetics. Each of our fragrances contains naturals, but using botanicals exclusively is not always possible when making sure our products are free from the bad stuff and kind to the planet. In some instances—sandalwood, for one—using botanicals would mean harming the environment (natural sandalwood is vulnerable). In those instances, we use lab-created synthetics that are safe for skin, many of which are considered natural identicals, because they’re the same as what’s found in nature. It’s the responsible thing to do.
No. Never have and never will! We are cruelty free, PETA certified and proud.
They are indeed! They are also gluten-free. We want to make sure that our fragrances are safe and suit everyone.
We feel very strongly about our environmental impact, and we are working towards being 99% free of plastic packaging. This year all of our bottles will be produced from plastic alternatives such as glass. However, it is currently not possible to source a non plastic pump to our specification. In order to reduce the impact of this we are developing a dedicated recycling scheme whilst further researching alternative materials such as natural resin.
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