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· By Isobel Hush
Its cupcake day today which naturally we are not going to miss out on. Inspired by some of the ingredients found in our fragrances we have pulled together 3 delicious tasting recipes for you to try at home.
First we have Raspberry, inspired by our Framboise Noire fragrance. Next up is Salted Triple Caramel, clearly influenced by our delicious Salt Caramel fragrance. Lastly is Zingly Lemon which you can find in both our Blackberry Woods and Unicorn Tears fragrances.
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
Place 8-10 large muffin cases in a muffin tin or 12-15 medium size cases.
Pop all the ingredients for the sponge in a bowl, and using an electric mixer, beat until thick and creamy.
Half fill the cases and pop 2-3 raspberries on top of the mix, slightly pushing them in.
Cover each raspberry with some more mix then pop into the oven for about 15-20 mins until golden and risen. Leave them to cool on a wire rack.
Pipe your buttercream in a nice swirl on top of the cakes, drizzle some raspberry coulis over and decorate with chocolate hearts and a raspberry.
Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash
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