Alle Düfte 2ml kaufen

  • Framboise Noire Fragrance 2ml | Black raspberry and forest berries deepen with the heart of black wood. | Clean All Gender Fragrance | Shay & Blue
    Framboise Noire Duft 2ml
    Framboise Noire Duft 2ml

    Framboise Noire Duft 2ml

    Normaler Preis CHF 5.00
  • Atropa Belladonna Fragrance 2ml | Cassis berries and jasmine dance with layers of depth from patchouli and vanilla. | Clean All Gender Fragrance | Shay & Blue
    Atropa Belladonna Duft 2ml
    Atropa Belladonna Duft 2ml

    Atropa Belladonna Duft 2ml

    Normaler Preis CHF 5.00
  • Blood Oranges Fragrance 2ml | Zesty blood oranges with rich and sensual blend of woods and smoky leather. | Clean All Gender Fragrance | Shay & Blue
    Blutorangenduft 2ml
    Blutorangenduft 2ml

    Blutorangenduft 2ml

    Normaler Preis CHF 5.00
  • Salz-Karamell-Duft 2 ml
    Salz-Karamell-Duft 2 ml
    Salz-Karamell-Duft 2 ml

    Salz-Karamell-Duft 2 ml

    Normaler Preis CHF 5.00
  • Blueberry Musk Fragrance 2ml | Soft blueberry & orange blossom fused with magnolia and silky cashmere. | Clean All Gender Fragrance | Shay & Blue
    Blaubeer-Moschus-Duft, 2 ml
    Blaubeer-Moschus-Duft, 2 ml

    Blaubeer-Moschus-Duft, 2 ml

    Normaler Preis CHF 5.00
  • Parfum Nashwa Extract of Parfum 2ml | Rich notes of cacao noir and coconut melt over dark oud wood. | Clean All Gender Fragrance | Shay & Blue
    Parfum Nashwa Fragrance Noir 2ml
    Parfum Nashwa Fragrance Noir 2ml

    Parfum Nashwa Fragrance Noir 2ml

    Normaler Preis CHF 5.00
  • English Cherry Blossom Fragrance 2ml | Airy blossom with black cherries, fig and bergamot for a sparkling citrus lift. | Clean All Gender Fragrance | Shay & Blue
    Englischer Kirschblütenduft 2 ml
    Englischer Kirschblütenduft 2 ml

    Englischer Kirschblütenduft 2 ml

    Normaler Preis CHF 5.00
  • Sicilian Limes Fragrance 2ml | Tangy limes with a happy-hour hit of a salty margarita, rosemary and moss | Clean All Gender Fragrance | Shay & Blue
    Sizilianischer Limettenduft 2 ml
    Sizilianischer Limettenduft 2 ml

    Sizilianischer Limettenduft 2 ml

    Normaler Preis CHF 5.00